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Supplements augment what we eat, but never replace the need for daily consumption of organic vegetables. |
Note: Supplements are very expensive and should only be taken if you absolutely need them (as determined by your Naturopathic doctor). The foods that you put in your mouth must be your PRIMARY source of nutrition. You can heal with quality food alone. Supplements are just that - things to supplement your food intake because of a lack of nutritional value.
Making Decisions about Supplements
There are many supplements on the market, and distinguishing which ones are best for you can be daunting. Fortunately, I found two different Naturopaths that helped me determine where to start. After analyzing the results of my lab tests, I based my supplementation on concrete medical data.
The first Naturopath I worked with was Dr.David Getoff who is skilled in performing the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test. I was diagnosed with ULMS in November 2008 and had my first appointment with Dr. Getoff one month later. One visit with Dr. Getoff allowed me to return home with a solid foundation of nutritional supplements that I knew were effective for my body. He requested blood tests to check certain nutrient levels in my body, including vitamin D.
The next month, shortly after my second surgery in January 2009, I had my first consultation with Dr. Monique Mazza who specializes in strengthening the immune system and detoxification. Dr. Mazza identified though lab tests that I was carrying excessive levels of parabens and phthalates in my body. Parabens are preservatives that are found in most commercial self-care products such as shampoos, conditioners, facial cleansing products and moisturizers, cosmetics, shower gels, shaving gels, personal lubricants, topical pharmaceuticals and even toothpaste. Phthalates are compounds used in plastics which increase flexibility and durability. Exposure comes from food packaging, heating foods in plastic, and, in my case, breathing in the fumes from a laminating machine!
The first Naturopath I worked with was Dr.David Getoff who is skilled in performing the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test. I was diagnosed with ULMS in November 2008 and had my first appointment with Dr. Getoff one month later. One visit with Dr. Getoff allowed me to return home with a solid foundation of nutritional supplements that I knew were effective for my body. He requested blood tests to check certain nutrient levels in my body, including vitamin D.
The next month, shortly after my second surgery in January 2009, I had my first consultation with Dr. Monique Mazza who specializes in strengthening the immune system and detoxification. Dr. Mazza identified though lab tests that I was carrying excessive levels of parabens and phthalates in my body. Parabens are preservatives that are found in most commercial self-care products such as shampoos, conditioners, facial cleansing products and moisturizers, cosmetics, shower gels, shaving gels, personal lubricants, topical pharmaceuticals and even toothpaste. Phthalates are compounds used in plastics which increase flexibility and durability. Exposure comes from food packaging, heating foods in plastic, and, in my case, breathing in the fumes from a laminating machine!
My Current Supplements (2011)
Digestive Support (Foundation of the Immune System)
Dr. Michael Murray's High Potency Multi Enzyme (helps you get the most out of your food - so important!)
Jarrow Formulas Jarro-Dophilus EPS Probiotics (keeps digestive flora and fauna strong)
G.T.'s Kombucha (Strawberry Serenity - yum!)
Vitamin-Mineral Supplements
Synergy Whole Food Liquid Vitamin-Mineral
Unique E by A.C. Grace
ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops
Liposomal C (in Liposomal Can-Help, anti-cancer supplement) by Healthy Items
New Chapter Bone Strength Whole Food Calcium
Carlson's Liquid Vitamin D-3
Overall Immune Strengtheners
CoQ10 (anti-oxidant; used by cells to produce energy)
Carlson's Fish Oil Liquid Omega-3 Lemon Flavor
Blood Strengthener and Detoxifiers
BarleyMax Wheat Grass Powder
Bone Strengthening
Ortho Molecular Strontium
Estrogen Metabolism (Anti-Cancer for estrogen positive tumors)
Integrative Therapeutics Lipotropic Complex (methylation support)
Nature's Way DIM Plus
Jarrow MK-7
Barlean's High Lignan Flax Seed Oil
ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops
Liposomal C (in Liposomal Can-Help, anti-cancer supplement) by Healthy Items
New Chapter Bone Strength Whole Food Calcium
Carlson's Liquid Vitamin D-3
Overall Immune Strengtheners
CoQ10 (anti-oxidant; used by cells to produce energy)
Carlson's Fish Oil Liquid Omega-3 Lemon Flavor
Blood Strengthener and Detoxifiers
BarleyMax Wheat Grass Powder
Bone Strengthening
Ortho Molecular Strontium
Estrogen Metabolism (Anti-Cancer for estrogen positive tumors)
Integrative Therapeutics Lipotropic Complex (methylation support)
Nature's Way DIM Plus
Jarrow MK-7
Barlean's High Lignan Flax Seed Oil
Anti-Angiogenesis, Anti-Cancer
Liposomal Nano Curcumin from Healthy Items (stops cancer from connecting to blood vessels)
Source Naturals ECGC (amplifies the effect of curcumin)
Natural Factors Liquid Biosil (Silica)
Melatonin (before retiring)
Liposomal Can-Help by Healthy Items (delivers Vitamin C straight to the blood - must have if you are not doing IV Vit. C infusions)
Pancreatic Enzymes (they eat the protein coating off the outside of the cancer cells, making them vulnerable to attack) German-Zyme by Young Again is one brand.
Avesta Boswellia
Jarrow Milk Thistle Natural Astaxanthin (powerful anti-oxidant)
Anti-fungal, Anti-viral, Anti-bacterial
Extra-Virgin, Organic Coconut Oil (delicious on flourless, sprouted toast)
Homeopathic Detoxification
Professional Complementary Health Formula's Xenobiotics (a homeopathic line of liquid drops, each specifically designed to aid the body in metabolizing and excreting toxins - I systematically went through about a dozen that applied to me). If you can't get those, I hear that Professional Health Products Homeopathic Remedies carries a similar line.
The truth is, many of these supplements serve more than one purpose, so don't just go by the headings I have listed.
Check out Vitacost for great savings on supplements.
One of the things I found out about on the Accor listserv service was Bill Peebles cocktail of vits, amino acids, minerals & anti-oxidants. Have you looked into them? I've been taking those, but am always willing to try something different... Did you find out about them at all with your naturopaths?
I've also recently started with Greenland Moss essential oils. Do you use any essential oils?
I'm coming up for my first anniversary so it's a fairly intense time, but I'm hopeful I'll continue to be Cancer-Free. :-)
Dear Cancer Free,
Thank you for your question. Take a look at my most recent post (4/25/12) that lists all of the supplements that I am currently taking, as well as my post on liposomal supplements for more ideas. I am familiar with Bill Peeples, but I think that you can find even better sources for your information. Each person, like myself, needs to do a lot of research into supplements and work with professionals (doctor and naturopath or osteopath) to obtain blood, urine, saliva and hair lab results which allow you to correctly diagnose what your body is dealing with. What metals, plastics, environmental toxins, parabens, etc. does you body need to clear out in order to allow your immune system to fight the cancer and prevent its return? Liposomal supplements go directly into the bloodstream, passing right through the gut, so those are highly recommended. I also look at the protocols at the top alternative treatment centers. It goes without saying that supplements are not going to work if yo do not follow the right nutritional program. Juicing and a raw vegan or vegetarian diet are also essential. I do use some essential oils. I use Lavender while meditating and Orawellness essential oil blend to brush the gumline of my teeth in order to reduce bacteria that can tax the immune system. Above all, reduce all stress - treat stress like it is the plague. Best wishes to you. It sounds like you are doing a great job. :)
Hi Jeannie,
First off I have to say Thank you to you! I was diagnosed with uterine lms in November 2020. I went in for a routine fibroid removal. My hubby and I were trying for another baby so my gyno wanted the fibroid out. 4 days later I got the dreadful call saying it's leiomyosarcoma. Of course I googled while I was on the phone with my gyno and I completely lost it. I have one child and all I could think of was her. After days of researching I went to YouTube and typed in "uterine leiomyosarcoma survivor" and there you popped up. You helped me more than you could know. Thank you!!! Fast forward, I had a hysterectomy January 2020. No baby :( but I know God was looking out for me by putting that want for a baby in our hearts. I would have left the "fibroid" alone and the thought of that is just scary! I was staged at 1A. I have a sarcoma oncologist at MD Anderson and they did not advise chemo (Thank you Jesus) since the tumor was .65 cm. I believe the mitotic count was 14. I have changed my diet to whole food plant base. I was juicing daily but have slowed down. I lost 25 lbs by intermittent fasting, eating no sugars, and eating whole food plant based. The tumor was progesterone positive/ estrogen negative. My oncologist didn't say to do anything different because of progesterone. My last scan in June showed no evidence of disease (Thank you God) I have a few questions. Do you intend on keeping up with the same supplements indefinitely? Out of all of them which would you recommend the most? Lastly, have you heard anything about the relation between arginine and sarcomas? Thank you in advance. Stay well and May God continue to Bless you.
PS Thank you for the Madison Reed recommendation. I love it!
Hi Gigi,
I just saw your comment and hope that you continue to do well! It sounds like you were very fortunate indeed to have the cancer discovered when you did. It has been over 13 years since mine was diagnosed, and I don't think about it anymore. I learned that healing is a multifaceted process, and for a serious illness you must pursue it aggressively on all fronts - mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional. It's really about learning to love yourself unconditionally and act on it. For example, mentally - letting go of thought patterns that feed anxiety, fear, or anger and move into a constant state of positivity and expectation of good. (Yes, constant, which doesn't mean phony positivity. I highly recommend You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay and all of her audiobooks!) Physical - show your love for yourself by making time to exercise daily, repair your gut biome, balance your hormones, and take care of your body as if it were your child. Give up fake foods like sugar and processed foods forever. Your diet may change over time. Now I incorporate generous amounts of organic, pasture-only-raised animal proteins, but continue low glycemic fruits, vegetables and homemade probiotic yogurt. And fresh vegetable juices, of course! Spiritual - ask the Divine voice for guidance and shine only unconditional love from that Source to others; never judge others or yourself. Emotional - Go through the process to discover and heal old wounds from your childhood or past so you can truly transmute that energy so it no longer vibrates for you. In regards to your questions, my supplements have evolved to meet new goals I have now that I am 65, but yes, I still take a lot of them. I work with a Naturopath who does lab work that doctor's don't order (too expensive) to confirm what I need to take and if what I am doing is actually working for me. As far as which supplements you should prioritize, again work with a Naturopath who specializes in the area you need and try to build a foundation from the foods that you eat and supplement on top of that. I took a look at the relationship between arginine and soft-tissue sarcomas, of which uterine leiomyosarcoma is not one of them as it is a sarcoma of the uterine muscle (at least that's what I see). Arginine plays a role in wound healing, immune function, hormone function, waste excretion from kidneys, and functions with nitric oxide to increase blood circulation to all organs including the brain. Again, I would consult a Naturopath before tampering with the balance it creates in the body. I hope this helps! Best to you! xx
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